Captain America: Brave New World


Captain America: Brave New World takes place in a world where Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, is facing new challenges. The movie begins with Sam meeting the newly elected U.S. President Thaddeus Ross, an event that marks the beginning of an intricate international conflict. As Sam becomes entangled in the midst of the global chaos, he discovers that a mysterious and sinister plot is unfolding. The details of the plot are shrouded in mystery, but one thing is certain: if it succeeds, the entire world will be thrown into turmoil. As Captain America, Sam is determined to uncover the truth behind the nefarious scheme. He embarks on a perilous journey, navigating through the complex web of international politics and colliding with powerful forces that seem to be working against him. With time running out, Sam must use all his skills, intelligence, and experience to unravel the mystery. He must confront his own demons and face off against formidable enemies who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The stakes are higher than ever, and Sam's new role as Captain America puts him in the crosshairs of those who seek to exploit the world's vulnerabilities. Thaddeus Ross, the U.S. President, seems to be hiding secrets, adding to the complexity of the situation. As Sam delves deeper into the heart of the plot, he begins to realize that nothing is as it seems. Every new lead he uncovers raises more questions than answers. He must rely on his instincts, allies, and wit to stay one step ahead of the mastermind behind the plot. The tension builds as the world teeters on the brink of chaos. Can Captain America save the world from the brink of disaster, or will the sinister plot see the entire world succumbing to madness? Will Sam be able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead, or will the pressure of being the new Captain America prove too much for him to bear? With the clock ticking, Sam prepares for an epic battle against the forces of evil. With his wings and shield at the ready, Captain America: Brave New World takes flight, setting the stage for an unforgettable adventure that will test the limits of courage and heroism.

Captain America: Brave New World screenshot 1Captain America: Brave New World screenshot 2
Source from: TMDB

Mga Review

Captain America: Brave New World

Captain America: Brave New World

Uri:Mga Pelikula
Julius Onah
Science Fiction
Mga Artista:
Anthony Mackie Harrison Ford Danny Ramirez Shira Haas Tim Blake Nelson Carl Lumbly
Taon: 2025
Petsa ng Paglabas:2025-03-09